Sunday, April 10, 2011

Revenge a Human Evolutionary Trait

Revenge is powerful human trait but it distinctly different of other traits that it can be controlled from an action.

A thoughtful analysis of why or why not to take an act of revenge is the ultimate deciding factor.
This thoughtful analysis may be shorted by lack of mental process or extreme anger and fury which is another human trait.

The strange thing in human trait evolution is why that exacting revenge has a calming effect on people in many situations. The anxiety that builds up if being hurt may persist until you take revenge and you retain the feeling of being calm after that. Why nature instilled this human revenge trait, persisting anger and forceful feeling for revenge is a mystery.

Revenge can be seen through human history between nations, tribes, races or in individuals.

The revenge is not exclusively human but reported among elephants and camels in cases they being abused or mistreated. These animals can plan scheme a plan and timing for revenge.

The act of revenge is transferred to God in form of punishment or hell fire.

Possible Develpoments of the Revenge Trait

This can be under the self preservation force. The ones who hurt you and harm you they must be dealt with so they don't hurt you again in the furure.

Instantaneous Revenge

Some one slaps you on your face and you slap him right back.
Some one curse you and you curse him right back.

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